The cost of fuels is increasing day by day. But in this fast growing century, we can't dump our vehicles too. So the only way to cope with the increasing cost of fuel is to save the fuel. If we keep some care while handling the vehicle, we can not only save the fuel but also decrease the maintenance cost and increase the lifetime of the vehicle. "To save an amount of fuel is twice as same as to mine the same amount of fuel. Here are some tips to increase the mileage of your vehicle.
Maintaining Vehicle's Health
Change the oil in specified intervals. Normally the oil is changed once in 5000 kilometers. If the vehicle is used only rarely, don't wait for completion of 5000 kilometers, replace the oil once an year.
Keep The Tyres in Good Condition
The tyres must be of good quality and the pressure in them must same as that specified by the vehicle manufacturer. If the pressure is lower than the specified amount, friction increases. Then mileage decreases automatically. Some mechanics have an opinion that if the pressure is 2 pounds more than that specified by the manufacturer, the mileage further increases. The tyre pressure must be increased also when the vehicle's load increases.
Checking The Alignment Of The Wheels
The wheel alignment must be corrected once in 5000 kilometers. If any problem regarding alignment is felt while driving, contact a workshop immediately. If the alignment of the wheels is incorrect, the vehicle will have a tendancy to move towards sides which decreases the mileage of the vehicle. Also the handling of the vehicle becomes difficult. During service, tyre rotation must be done.
Drive Well - Save Fuel
The most efficient way to save fuel is by driving well. Smooth driving increases the mileage by 15%. Drive the car at 50-60 km/hr in top gears. Most apt speed is 55km/hr. As the speed increases, opposition from the air increases. As a result, the mileage increases. The apt speed for 2-wheelers is 40-50 km/hr.
Don't drive the vehicle with the choke pulled. Turn off the engine when stopping for more than 1 minute.
Drive The Vehicle In Proper Gears
While driving the vehicle, appropriate gear must be used. Unnecessary gear transmission adversely affects the mileage of vehicle.
Gradually transmitting into lower gears and then slowing down the vehicle is better than applying a sudden brake in the last second. Partially applying the clutch or brake while driving is also no good. Use both clutch and brake only when needed.
Apart from these, don't use the vehicle for distances less than 1 kilometer. Service the vehicle in Genuine Service Centres. Use only original spare parts.
Tags:- Vehicle maintenance, Vehicle maintenance tips, Vehicle maintenance secrets, car maintenance, car maintenance tips, car maintenance secrets, fuel saving tips, tips to increase mileage, how to maintain vehicle